Being a mother, becoming a doula, knitting, charity and the life that happens in-between.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Little Things

Well the holidays are over, and well is it bad to say I'm a little glad to see them go? I did get to spend some extra time with William, as I was off, but I'm craving the routine of normal day-to-day life again.

My parents are off in the sunny spot of Florida so we did have the advantage of not travelling much this season, the hard part about that was it meant I did not get home to see any of my closest friends over Christmas and New Years. I'm sure they understand, but still.

I did get to see mama Leisa though, which was an amazing visit. Sadly enough it's been almost 2 years since we've seen each other last (at her wedding!) how pathetic of us. We met in Burlington, at the mall, and really had no intention of shopping, just talking and eating, our two favourite past-times! As you can see there was an element of surprise, but I made up for it with lovely gifts.

The other thing besides trying to be a better friend this year, that i'm going to strive to do is capture the little things. Those moments that George and I will laugh at years from now, but don't think much of taking pictures of at the time.

This is the first "little thing". William has taken in the past little while to taking off his shoes/boots and socks off in the car. Well once he has announced that he has toes, he will ask for money. We couldn't figure it out for a few days until we looked back . . . no joke his does this completely on his own, and well it does keep him occupied during car trips!

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