Being a mother, becoming a doula, knitting, charity and the life that happens in-between.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Rachel made me do it!

Yes Rachel I am blaming you for falling off the fabric wagon. When Rachel made her post this morning little did she know she was pushing me over the edge. I have not bought any fabric while off on maternity leave, actually I haven't bought any since before Andrew was born. But I have a weakness that the Canadian Goverment cannot subsidise with what they pay me to be home for the year.

PURE by Sweetwater. If you read my blog you know how much I loved AUTHENTIC. My love for the new line might possibly over shadow the previous one. So I would do anything to get my hands on some of it before the August release. Here is what Rachel did to me . . . .

Not only did she put up pictures, she even added a link to where the kit could be bought, so of course I resisted for an hour or so before pulling out the credit card and adding this to my online shopping cart. Now Rachel if you could kindly write a note to my husband telling him it's your fault that would be great, I will present it to him when the package arrives. Thanks.

This has also been a breakthough week because I've been doing a little designing. I'm not sure how it will work out, but I'm working on my first pattern, I guess we will see. I'm bad at math that's why I married an accountant.

Anyone want to help me test it out?


rachel griffith said...

dear hubby...
i totally made her do it.
the good news is that yall will have a rocking quilt when it's all said and done.

Jandi said...

I would never say no to testing out a pattern! hehe I love Pure too. I got some from my sister last month (she got it from the Moda sample sale). It is just too pretty.