Being a mother, becoming a doula, knitting, charity and the life that happens in-between.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Castle Peeps Peek

I can't remember when I ordered this, or what I had in mind for it, I think that it was just a bundle that I thought I had to have. Well today it got cut up, sewn together, basted and is headed towards name quilt fame. I thought that if I had to do another name quilt that I would scream, but this one is for my friend Karyn. She is purchasing it as her younger cousin Kelly is expecting later this month. Kelly and I were in Karyn's wedding party together and she really is like everyone's "little cousin" so the bundle I thought I would save forever is going to Baby Jack once he arrives.

Note the pins, I ran out of spray baste and I didn't have the time or extra cash to run out and get a new bottle, so pins it was. The verdict, I hate pinning. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it.

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