Being a mother, becoming a doula, knitting, charity and the life that happens in-between.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Oh the end of summer

It is more than hard to believe that the end of summer is here. William will be starting JK in a couple of weeks and baby Drew is getting bigger every day. Where has the summer gone? I'm not sure.

Tomorrow is donation day for The Gracie Jane Project and I'm really excited. There are seven quilts finished with the new pattern and I'm really proud of the following that the project is getting. Wednesday it's going to be featured on Quilt Story which is more than I could have ever thought would happen. Maybe it will bring in some donations, my charm pack stash is exhausted at the moment, but if nothing else maybe Gracie's story will touch a few hearts.

Latest picture of the babe? Of course you can see one.

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