Being a mother, becoming a doula, knitting, charity and the life that happens in-between.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

We interrupt this sewing for . . . . life.

Kids are funny. I'm sure they get funnier as they get older, but at the moment I would suggest that two and a half year olds are the funniest kids on the planet. Everyday is a wonder with William, something new he does or something new he says that throws my husband and I for a loop. We look at him, raise an eyebrow at each other, and wonder "where did he get that from".

We also all have hopes for our little (or big) babes. Ultimately I think that we all just wish that they grow up to be healthy and happy human beings who leave a little something of themselves with the world. But we also have our moments that wonder about becoming a doctor, a lawyer, a starting pitcher for the yankees (yes Dad's you know you wish for this!).
While William went to daycare this morning all decked out in his doctor outfit that I had bought while on a work trip to Sick Kids in Toronto a while ago, with his doctor bag (complete with a saw and a wrench) I think that he might be more suited for dentistry.

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